Sunday 23 June 2013

An NP-complete Set

The definitions and discussion about P and NP were very interesting. But, of course for any of this discussion to be worthwhile we need to see an NP-complete set. Or at least prove that there is one. The following definitions from the propositional calculus lead to our first NP-complete problem.

Definition. A clause is a finite collection of literals, which in turn are Boolean variables or their complements.
Definition. A clause is satisfiable if and only if at least one literal in the clause is true.

Suppose we examine the clauses below which are made up of literals from the set of Boolean variables {v1, ..., vn}.
The first clause is satisfiable if either v1 or v3 are true or v2 is false. Now let us consider at the entire collection of clauses. All three are true (at once) when all three variables are true. Thus we shall say that a collection of clauses is satisfiable if and only if there is some assignment of truth values to the variables which makes all of the clauses true simultaneously. The collection:
is not satisfiable because at least one of the three clauses will be false no matter how the truth values are assigned to the variables. Now for the first decision problem which is NP-complete. It is central to theorem proving procedures and the propositional calculus.

The Satisfiability Problem (SAT). Given a set of clauses, is there an assignment of truth values to the variables such that the collection of clauses is satisfiable?

Since some collections are satisfiable and some are not, this is obviously a nontrivial decision problem. And it just happens to be NP-complete! By the way, it is not the general satisfiability problem for propositional calculus, but the conjunctive normal form satisfiability problem. Here is the theorem and its proof.

Theorem 5. The satisfiability problem is NP-complete.
Proof Sketch. The first part of the proof is to show that the satisfiability problem is in NP. This is simple. A machine which checks this merely jots down a truth value for each Boolean variable in a nondeterministic manner, plugs these into each clause, and then checks to see if one literal per clause is true. A Turing machine can do this as quickly as it can read the clauses.
The hard part is showing that every set in NP is reducible to the satisfiability problem. Let's start. First of all, if a set is in NP then there is some one tape Turing machine Mi with alphabet = {0, 1, b} which recognizes members (i.e., verifies membership) of the set within time p(n) for a polynomial p(n). What we wish is to design a polynomial time computable recursive function gi(x) such that:
Mi recognizes x if and only if gi(x) Î SAT.
For gi(x) to be a member of SAT, it must be some collection of clauses which contain at least one true literal per clause under some assignment of truth values. This means that gi must produce a logical expression which states that Mi accepts x. Let us recall what we know about computations and arithmetization. Now examine the following collections of assertions.
a) When Mi begins computation:
  • #x is on the tape,
  • the tape head is on square one, and
  • instruction I1 is about to be executed.
b) At each step of Mi 's computation:
  • only one instruction is about to be executed,
  • only one tape square is being scanned, and
  • every tape square contains exactly one symbol.
c) At each computational step, the instruction being executed and the symbol on the square being scanned completely determine:
  • the symbol written on the square being read,
  • the next position of the head, and
  • the next instruction to be executed.
d) Before p(n) steps, Mi must be in a halting configuration.
These assertions tell us about the computation of Mi(x). So, if we can determine how to transform x into a collection of clauses which mean exactly the same things as the assertions written above, we have indeed found our gi(x). And, if gi(x) is polynomially computable we are done.

First let us review our parameters for the Turing machine Mi. It uses the alphabet {0, 1, b, #} (where # is used only as an endmarker) and has m instructions. Since the computation time is bounded by the polynomial p(n) we know that only p(n) squares of tape may be written upon.

Now let us examine the variables used in the clauses we are about to generate. There are three families of them. For all tape squares from 1 to p(n) and computational steps from time 0 to time p(n), we have the collection of Boolean variables of the form

HEAD[s, t] which is true if Mi has its tape head positioned on tape square s at time t.

(Note that there are p(n)2 of these variables.) For the same time bounds and all instructions, we have the variables of the form

INSTR[i, t] which is true if Mi is about to execute instruction number i at time t.

There are only m*p(n) of these variables. The last family contains variables of the form

CHAR[c, s, t] which is true if character c in {0, 1, b, #} is found upon tape square s at time t.

So, we have O(p(n)2) variables in all. This is still a polynomial.

Now let's build the clauses which mean the same as the above assertions. First, the machine must begin properly. At time 0 we have #x on the tape. If x = 0110 then the clauses which state this are:
(CHAR[#,1,0]), (CHAR[0,2,0]), (CHAR[1,3,0]),
(CHAR[1,4,0]), (CHAR[0,5,0])
and blanks are placed upon the remainder of the tape with:
(CHAR[b,6,0]), ... , (CHAR[b,p(n),0]).
Since the machine begins on square one with instruction 1, we also include: 
(HEAD[1,0]), (INSTR[1,0]).
That finishes our first assertion. Note that all of the variables in these clauses must be true for gi(x) to be satisfiable since each clause contains exactly one literal. This starts Mi(x) off properly. Also note that there are p(n)+2 of these particular one variable clauses.

(NB. We shall keep count of the total number of literals used so far as we go so that we will know |gi(x)|.)

During computation one instruction may be executed at each step.
But, if the computation has halted then no more instructions can be executed. To remedy this we introduce a bogus instruction numbered 0 and make Mi switch to it whenever a halt instruction is encountered. Since Mi remains on instruction 0 from then on, at each step exactly one instruction is executed.

The family of clauses (one for each time t £ p(n)) of the form:
(INSTR[0,t], INSTR[1,t], ... , INSTR[m,t])
maintain that Mi is executing at least one instruction during each computational step. There are (m+1)* p(n) literals in these. We can outlaw pairs of instructions (or more) at each step by including a clause of the form:
for each instruction pair i and j (where i < j) and each time t. These clauses state that no pair of instructions can be executed at once and there are about p(n)* m2 literals in them.

Clauses which mandate the tape head to be on one and only one square at each step are very much the same. So are the clauses which state that exactly one symbol is written upon each tape square at each step of the computation. The number of literals in these clauses is on the order of p(n)2. (So, we still have a polynomial number of literals in our clauses to date.)

Now we must describe the action of Mi when it changes from configuration to configuration during computation. Consider the Turing machine instruction:
Thus if Mi is to execute instruction 27 at step 239 and is reading a 0 on square 45 we would state the following implication: 

if (INSTR[27,239] and HEAD[45,239] and CHAR[0,45,239])
then (CHAR[1,45,240] and HEAD[46,240] and INSTR[42,240]). 
Recalling that the phrase (if A then B) is equivalent to (not(A) or B), we now translate the above statement into the clauses:

Note that the second line of instruction 27 contains a halt. In this case we switch to instruction 0 and place the tape head on a bogus tape square (square number 0). This would be something like:

(These clauses are not very intuitive, but they do mean exactly the same as the if-then way of saying it. And besides, we've got it in clauses just like we needed to. This was quite convenient.)

In general, we need trios of clauses like the above for every line of each instruction, at every time, for all of the tape squares. Again, O(p(n)2) literals are involved in this.

To make sure that the rest of the symbols (those not changed by the instruction) remain on the tape for the next step, we need to state things like:

which become clauses such as:

These must be jotted down for each tape square and each symbol, for every single time unit. Again, we have O(p(n)2) literals.

When Mi halts we pretend that it goes to instruction 0 and place the head on square 0. Since the machine should stay in that configuration for the rest of the computation, we need to state for all times t:

(this was another if-then statement) and note that there are O(p(n)) literals here. 

One more assertion and we are done. Before p(n) steps, Mi must halt if it is going to accept. This is an easy one since the machine goes to instruction 0 only if it halts. This is merely the clause
(INSTR[0, p(n)]).
Of course this one must be true if the entire collection of clauses is to be satisfiable. 

That is the construction of gi(x). We need to show that it can be done in polynomial time. Let us think about it. Given the machine and the time bound p(n), it is easy (long and tedious, but easy) to read the description of the Turing machine and generate the above clauses. In fact we could write them down in a steady stream as we counted to p(n) in loops such as
So, computing gi(x) takes about as much time to compute as it does to write it down. Thus its complexity is O(|gi(x)|). The same as the length of all of the literals in the clauses. Since there are O(p(n)2) of these and the length of a literal will not exceed log2(p(n)) we arrive at polynomial time complexity for the computation of gi(x).

The remainder of the proof is to show that
Mi accepts x if and only if gi(x) Î SAT.
While not completely trivial, it does follow from an examination of the definitions of how Turing machines operate compared to the satisfiability of the clauses in the above construction. The first part of the proof is to argue that if Mi accepts x, then there is a sequence of configurations which Mi progresses through. Setting the HEAD, CHAR, and INSTR variables so that they describe these configurations makes the set of clauses computed by gi(x) satisfiable. The remainder of the proof is to argue that if gi(x) can be satisfied then there is an accepting computation for Mi(x). 

That was our first NP -complete problem. It may not be quite everyone's favorite, but at least we have shown that one does indeed exist. And now we are able to state a result having to do with the question about whether P = NP in very explicit terms. In fact the satisfiability problem has become central to that question. And by the second corollary, this problem can aid in proving NP-completeness.
Corollary. SAT is in P if and only if P = NP.
Corollary. If A Î NP and SAT £ p A then A is NP -complete.

So, all we need to do is determine the complexity of the satisfiability problem and we have discovered whether P and NP are the same. Unfortunately this seems much easier said than done!
Logicians should be quite pleased that satisfiability for the propositional calculus is NP-complete. It means that they will still be needed to prove theorems since it seems unlikely that anyone will develop a computer program to do so. But we, as computer scientists need to see problems which are closer to home. This is also more than a theoretical exercise because we know that any problem which is NP-complete is a candidate for approximation since no subexponential time bounded algorithms are known for these problems.

First, we shall review the process of proving a problem NP-complete. We could do it from scratch like we did for SAT. But that is far too time consuming, especially when we have a nifty technique like reduction. All we need to do is:

  1. show that the problem is in NP,
  2. reduce an NP-complete problem to it, and
  3. show that the reduction is a polynomial time function.

That’s not too bad at all. All we basically must accomplish is to transform an NP-complete problem to a new one. As a first example, let us simplify satisfiability by specifying exactly how many literals must be in each clause. Then we shall reduce this problem to others.

Satisfiability with 3 literals per clause (3-SAT). Given a finite set of clauses, each containing exactly three literals, is there some truth assignment for the variables which satisfies all of the clauses?
Theorem 1. 3-SAT is NP-complete.
Proof. We know that since 3-SAT is merely a special case of SAT, it must be in NP. (That is, we can verify that a truth assignment satisfies all of the clauses as fast as we can read the clauses.)
To show that it 3-SAT hard for NP, we will reduce SAT to it by transforming any instance of the satisfiability problem to an instance of 3-SAT. This means we must demonstrate how to convert clauses which do not contain exactly three literals into ones which do. It is easy if a clause contains two literals. Let us take (x1, x2) as an example. This is equivalent to the pair:
where u is a new variable. Note that each clause of the pair contains exactly three literals and that.
So far, so good. Now we will transform clauses such as (x) which contain one literal. This will require two steps. We begin by converting it to the pair of two literal clauses:
much as before. Then we change each of these just as before and get:
This was easy. (But you’d better plug in all possible truth values for the literals and fully check it out.)
One case remains. We might have a clause such as (x1, ... , xk) which contains more than three literals. We shall arrange these literals as a cascade of three literal clauses. Consider the sequence of clauses:
Let us look at this. If the original clause were satisfiable then one of the xi's had to be true. Let us set all of the ui's to true up to the point in the sequence where xi was encountered and false thereafter. A little thought convinces us that this works just fine since it provides a truth assignment which satisfies the collection of clauses. So, if the original clause was satisfiable, this collection is satisfiable too.
Now for the other part of the proof. Suppose the original clause is not satisfiable. This means that all of the xi's are false. We claim that in this case the collection of clauses we constructed is unsatisfiable also. Assume that there is some way to satisfy the sequence of clauses. For it to be satisfiable, the last clause must be satisfiable. For the last clause to be satified, uk-3 must be false since xk-1 and xk are false. This in turn forces uk-4 to be false. Thus all of the ui's all the way down the line have got to be false. And when we reach the first clause we are in big trouble since u1 is false. So, if the xi's are all false there is nothing we can do with the truth values for the ui's that satisfies all of the clauses.
Note that the above transformation is indeed a polynomial time mapping. Thus SAT £ p 3-SAT and we are done. 

One of the reasons that showing that 3-SAT is NP-complete is not too difficult is that it is a restricted version of the satisfiability problem. This allowed us to merely modify a group of clauses when we did the reduction. In the future we shall use 3-SAT in reductions and be very pleased with the fact that having only three literals per clause makes our proofs less cumbersome.

Of course having only two literals per clause would be better yet. But attempting to change clauses with three literals into equivalent two literal clauses is very difficult. Try this. I'll bet you cannot do it. One reason is because 2-SAT is in P. In fact, if you could reduce 3-SAT to 2-SAT by translating clauses with three literals into clauses with two literals, you would have shown that P = NP.

Let us return to introducing more NP-complete problems. We immediately use 3-SAT for the reduction to our next NP-complete problem which comes from the field of mathematical programming and operations research. It is a variant of integer programming.

0-1 Integer Programming (0-1 INT). Given a matrix A and a vector b, is there a vector x with values from {0, 1} such that Ax ³ b?
If we did not require the vector x to have integer values, then this is the linear programming problem and is solvable in polynomial time. This one is more difficult.
Theorem 2. 0-1 INT is NP-complete.
Proof. As usual it is easy to show that 0-1 INT is in NP. Just guess the values in x and multiply it out. (The exact degree of the polynomial in the time bound is left as an exercise.)
A reduction from 3-SAT finishes the proof. In order to develop the mapping from clauses to a matrix we must change a problem in logic into an exercise in arithmetic. Examine the following chart. It is just a spreadsheet with values for the variables x1, x2, and x3 and values for some expressions formed from them.

+ X1 + X2 + X3
+ X1 + X2 - X3
+ X1 - X2 - X3
- X1 - X2 - X3

Above is a table of values for arithmetic expressions. Now we shall interpret the expressions in a logical framework. Let the plus signs mean true and the minus signs mean false. Place or's between the variables. So, +x1 + x2 - x3 now means that
x1 is true, or x2 is true, or x3 is false.
If 1 denotes true and 0 means false, then we could read the expression as x1=1 or x2=1 or x3=0.
Now note that in each row headed by an arithmetic expression there is a minimum value and it occurs exactly once. Find exactly which column contains this minimum value. The first expression row has a zero in the column where each xi is also zero. Look at the expression. Recall that +x1 + x2 + x3 means that at least one of the xi should have the value 1. So, the minimum value occurs when the expression is not satisfied.
Look at the row headed by +x1 - x2 - x3 . This expression means that x1 should be a 1 or one of the others should be 0. In the column containing the minimum value this is again not the case.
The points to remember now for each expression row are:
a) Each has exactly one column of minimum value.
b) This column corresponds to a nonsatisfying truth assignment.
c) Every other column satisfies the expression.
d) All other columnms have higher values.
Here is how we build a matrix from a set of clauses. First let the columns of the matrix correspond to the variables from the clauses. The rows of the matrix represent the clauses - one row for each one. For each clause, put a 1 under each variable which is not complemented and a -1 under those that are. Fill in the rest of the row with zeros. Or we could say:
The vector b is merely made up of the appropriate minimum values plus one from the above chart. In other words:
bi = 1 - (the number of complemented variables in clause i).
The above chart provides the needed ammunition for the proof that our construction is correct. The proper vector x is merely the truth assignment to the variables which satisfies all of the clauses. If there is such a truth assignment then each value in the vector Ax will indeed be greater than the minimum value in the appropriate chart column.
If a 0-1 valued vector x does exist such that Ax ³ b, then it from the chart we can easily see that it is a truth assignment for the variables which satisfies each and every clause. If not, then one of the values of the Ax vector will always be less than the corresponding value in b. This means that the that at least one clause is not satisfied for any truth assignment. 
Here is a quick example. If we have the three clauses:
then according to the above algorithm we build A and b as follows.

Note that everything comes out fine if the proper values for the xi are put in place. If x3 is 0 then the first entry of Ax cannot come out less than 0 nor can the second ever be below -1. And if either x2 or x1 is 1 then the third entry will be at least 1.

Problems in graph theory are always interesting, and seem to pop up in lots of application areas in computing. So let us move to graph theory for our next problem.
CLIQUE. Given a graph and an integer k, are there k vertices in the graph which are all adjacent to each other?
This does not sound like a very practical problem, does it? Interesting, yes, but practical? Consider this. Suppose that you had a graph whose nodes were wires on a silicon chip. And there was an edge between any two nodes whose wires might overlap if placed on the same horizontal coordinate of the chip. Finding the cliques tells the designer how much horizontal room is needed to route all of the wires.
Theorem 3. CLIQUE is NP-complete.
Proof. Again, it is easy to verify that a graph has a clique of size k if we guess the vertices forming the clique. We merely examine the edges. This can be done in polynomial time.
We shall now reduce 3-SAT to CLIQUE. We are given a set of k clauses and must build a graph which has a clique if and only if the clauses are satisfiable. The literals from the clauses become the graph’s vertices. And collections of true literals shall make up the clique in the graph we build. Then a truth assignment which makes at least one literal true per clause will force a clique of size k to appear in the graph. And, if no truth assignment satisfies all of the clauses, there will not be a clique of size k in the graph.
To do this, let every literal in every clause be a vertex of the graph we are building. We wish to be able to connect true literals, but not two from the same clause. And two which are complements cannot both be true at once. So, connect all of the literals which are not in the same clause and are not complements of each other. We are building the graph G = (V, E) where:
V = {<x, i> | x is in the i-th clause}
E = {(<x, i>,<y, j>) | x ¹ and i ¹ j}
Now we shall claim that if there were k clauses and there is some truth assignment to the variables which satisfies them, then there is a clique of size k in our graph. If the clauses are satisfiable then one literal from each clause is true. That is the clique. Why? Because a collection of literals (one from each clause) which are all true cannot contain a literal and its complement. And they are all connected by edges because we connected literals not in the same clause (except for complements).
On the other hand, suppose that there is a clique of size k in the graph. These k vertices must have come from different clauses since no two literals from the same clause are connected. And, no literal and its complement are in the clique, so setting the truth assignment to make the literals in the clique true provides satisfaction.
A small inspection reveals that the above transformation can indeed be carried out in polynomial time. (The degree will again be left as an exercise.) Thus the CLIQUE problem has been shown to be NP-hard just as we wished. 
One of the neat things about graph problems is that asking a question about a graph is often equivalent to asking quite a different one about the graph's complement. Such is the case for the clique problem. Consider the next problem which inquires as to how many vertices must be in any set which is connected to or covers all of the edges.
Vertex Cover (VC). Given a graph and an integer k, is there a collection of k vertices such that each edge is connected to one of the vertices in the collection?
It turns out that if a graph with n vertices contains a clique consisting of k vertices then the size of the vertex cover of the graph's complement is exactly n-k. Convenient. For an example of this, examine the graphs in figure 1. Note that there is a 4-clique (consisting of vertices a, b, d, and f) in the graph on the left. Note also that the vertices not in this clique (namely c and e) do form a cover for the complement of this graph (which appears on the right).

Since the proof of VC's NP-completeness depends upon proving the relationship between CLIQUE and VC, we shall leave it as an exercise and just state the theorem.

Theorem 4. VC is NP-complete.

Figure 1 - A graph and its complement.
On to another graph problem. This time we shall examine one of a very different nature. In this problem we ask about coloring the vertices of a graph so that adjacent ones are distinct. Here is the definition.
Chromatic Number (COLOR). Given a graph and an integer k, is there a way to color the vertices with k colors such that adjacent vertices are colored differently?

This is the general problem for coloring. A special case, map coloring can always be done with four colors. But as we shall see presently, the general problem is NP-complete when we must use more than four colors.

Theorem 5. COLOR is NP-complete.
Proof. To show that COLOR is in NP, again just guess the method of coloring vertices and check it out.
We shall reduce 3-SAT to COLOR. Suppose that we have r clauses which contain n ³ 3 variables. We need to construct a graph which can be colored with n+1 colors if and only if the clauses are satisfiable.
Begin by making all of the variables {v1, ... , vn} and their complements vertices of the graph. Then connect each variable to its complement. They must be colored differently, so color one of each pair false and the other true.
Now we will force the true colors to be different from each other. Introduce a new collection of vertices {x1, ... , xn} and connect them all together. The n xi's now form a clique. Connect each xi to all of the vj and their complements except when i = j. Thus if we have n different true colors (call them t1, …, tn) we may color the xi's with these. And, since neither vj or its complement is connected to xi one of these may also be colored with ti. So far we have colored:

    1. each xi with ti,
    2. either vi or its complement with ti, and the other false.

An example for three variables is depicted in figure 2. Since shades of gray are difficult to see, we have used three for the true colors and have drawn as squares all of the vertices to be colored with the false color. Note that v1 and v2 are true while v3 is false.
Figure 2 - Variables, True and False Colors
So far, so good. We have constructed a graph which cannot be colored with fewer than n+1 colors. And, the coloring scheme outlined above is the only one which will work. This is because the xi's must be different colors and either vi or its complement has to be the (n+1)-st (false) color.
3-SAT enters at this point. Add a vertex for each clause and name them c1, ... , cr. Connect each of them to all the variables and their complements except for the three literals which are in the clause. We now have the following edges in our graph for all i and j between 1 and n, and k between 1 and r, except where otherwise noted.
Here's a recap. One of each variable and complement pair must be false and the other, one of the true colors. These true's must be different because the xi's form a clique. Then, the clauses (the ci's) are connected to all of the literals not in the clause.
Suppose that there is a truth assignment to the variables which satisfies all of the clauses. Color each true literal with the appropriate ti and color its complement false. Examine one of the clauses (say, ci). One of its literals must have been colored with one of the true colors since the clause is satisfied. The vertex ci can be colored that way too since it is not connected to that literal. That makes exactly n+1 colors for all the vertices of the graph.
If there is no truth assignment which satisfies all of the clauses, then for each of these assignments there must be a clause (again, say ci) which has all its literals colored with the false or (n+1)-st color. (Because otherwise we would have a satisfying truth assignment and one of each literal pair must be colored false if n+1 colors are to suffice.) This means that ci is connected to vertices of every true color since it is connected to all those it does not contain. And since it is connected to all but three of the literal vertices, it must be connected to a vertex colored false also since there are at least three variables. Thus the graph cannot be colored with only n+1 colors.
Since constructing the graph takes polynomial time, we have shown that 3-SAT £ p COLOR and thus COLOR is NP-complete. 
An interesting aspect of the COLOR problem is that it can be almost immediately converted into a scheduling problem. In fact, one that is very familiar to anyone who has spent some time in academe. It is the problem of scheduling final examinations which we examined earlier.
Examination Scheduling (EXAM). Given a list of courses, a list of conflicts between them, and an integer k; is there an exam schedule consisting of k dates such that there are no conflicts between courses which have examinations on the same date?
Here is how we shall set up the problem. Assign courses to vertices, place edges between courses if someone takes both, and color the courses by their examination dates, so that no two courses taken by the same person have the same color.

We have looked at seven problems and shown them to be NP-complete. These are problems which require exponential time in order to find an optimal solution. This means that we must approximate them when we encounter them. There just happen to be many more in areas of computer science such as systems programming, VLSI design, and database systems. Thus it is important to be able to recognize them when they pop up. And, since their solutions are related, methods to approximate them often work for other problems.

In closing, here are three more NP-complete problems.

Closed Tour (TOUR). Given n cities and an integer k, is there a tour, of length less than k, of the cities which begins and ends at the same city?
Rectilinear Steiner Spanning Tree (STEINER). Given n points in Euclidean space and an integer k, is there a collection of vertical and horizontal lines of total length less than k which spans the points?
Knapsack. Given n items, each with a weight and a value, and two integers k and m, is there a collection of items with total weight less than k, which has a total value greater than m?

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