Saturday 26 January 2013

Image Processing

1. The process of extracting information from the image is called as
a) Image enhancement
b) Image restoration
c) Image Analysis
d)Image compression
ANS: c
2.Among the following image processing techniques which is fast, precise and flexible
a) optical
b) digital
c) electronic
d) photographic
ANS: b
3. An image is considered to be a function of a(x,y) where a represents
a) height of image
b) width of image
c) amplitude of image
d) resolution of image
ANS: c
4. Which is the image processing technique used to improve the quality of image for human viewing?
a) compression
b) enhancement
c) restoration
d) analysis
ANS: b
5. Which type of enhancement operations are used to modify pixel values according to the value of the pixel ‘s neighbors?
a) point operations
b) local operations
c) global operations
d) mask operations
ANS: d
6. In which type of progressive coding technique,gery color is encoded first and then other colors are encoded?
a) quality progressive
b) resolution progressive
c) component progressive
d) region progressive
ANS: c
7. Which image processing technique is used to eliminate electronic noise by mathematical process?
a) Frame averaging
b) Image understanding
c) Image compression
d) none
ANS: a
8. The amount of noise decreases by  —————  of number of frames averaged
a) division
b) square root
c) linear
d) none
ANS: b
9. Dilation-Morphological image operation technique is used to
a) shrink brighter areas of the image
b) diminishes intensity variation over the image
c) expands brighter areas of the image
d) scales pixel intensity uniformly
ANS: c
10. Image compression is
a) making image look better
b) sharpening the intensity-transition regions
c) minimizing degradation over image
d) reducing the redundancy of the image data
ANS: d11.  Which is a fundamental task in image processing used to match two or more pictures?
a) registration
b) segmentation
c) computer vision
d) image differencing
ANS: a
12.  Which technique is used for the images of the same scene are acquired from different viewpoints
a) multiview analysis
b) multitemporal analysis
c) multisensory analysis
d) image differencing
ANS: a
13.  Which sensor is used for obtaining the video source in 3d face recognition system
a) optical
b) electronic
c) 3d sensor
d) 2d sensor
ANS: c
14. What algorithm is used in fingerprint technology
a) Intensity based algorithm
b) pattern based algorithm
c) feature based algorithm
d) Recognition algorithm
ANS: b
15. Which technique turns the unique lines, patterns, and spots apparent in a person’s skin into a mathematical space
a) registration
b) segmentation
c) skin texture analysis
d) image differencing
ANS: c
16. In which technique which is  used to determine changes between two images ?
a) Image differencing
b) segmentation
c) skin texture analysis
d) image differencing
ANS: a
17. Select one of the most appropriate application of Computer vision?
a) medical computer imaging
b) remote sensing
c) geographical map
d) medical diagnosis
ANS: a
18.  What does SDR stands for?
a) standard dynamic range
b) Software defined radio
c) Session directory
d) System design view
ANS: a
19. Which software has  a built in face recoginition system ?
a) Google’s picasa digital image orgranizer
b) Apple iphoto’s organizer
c) PMB
d) Sony’s photo organizer
ANS: a
20. Which device is used to capture the fingerprint pattern?
a)  Capture device
b)  Fingerprint sensor
c) 2d sensor
d) digital sensor
ANS: b21. An image is converted to two-dimensional matrix of pixel values by
a) pixel grabber
b) bough transform
c) masking
d) none
ANS: a
22. _____ is a free distributed public domain software
b) minutiae detection
c) matching algorithm
d) masking
ANS: a
23. _____ is the most reliable and accurate biometric identification technique.
a) Computer vision
b) Iris recognition
c) Medical imaging
d) Remote sensing
ANS: b
24. A biometrics may be
a) fingerprint  images
b) satellite images
c) computer vision
d) none
ANS: a
25. The initial step in any image processing technique is
a) segmentation
b) masking
c) image acquisition
d) normalization
ANS:  c
26. The identification technique using voice, keystroke, gait etc. are included in
a) image enhancement
b) behavioral biometrics
c) face recognition
d) physical biometrics
ANS: b
27. Which of the following steps are included in iris segmentation?
a) image acquisition
b) iris normalization
c) iris localization
d) code generation
ANS: c
28. _____ is an image acquisition technique
a) Sobel
b) Kirsch
d) Prewett
ANS: c
29. Localization of iris, pupil, eyelids come under
a) normalization
b) masking
c) extraction
d) segmentation
ANS: d
30. Verification using genetic algorithm and back propagation is done in
a) iris recognition
b) face detection
c) fingerprint identification
d) none
ANS: b

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