Chapter 6. Variants of Finite Automata
We have seen that DFSA, NFSA, and NFSA with ε-moves
have the same power. They accept the family of regular sets. In this
chapter, we consider two generalized versions of FSA. While one of them
accepts only regular sets, the other accepts sets, which are not
regular. We also have a discussion on probabilistic finite automata and
weighted finite automata. These two models have applications in image
6.1. Two-Way Finite Automata
A two-way deterministic finite automaton (2DFSA) is a quintuple M = (K, Σ, δ, q0, F) where K, Σ, q0, F are as in DFSA and δ is a mapping from K × Σ into K × {L, R}.
The input tape head can move in both directions. The
machine starts on the leftmost symbol of the input in the initial state.
At any time, depending on the state and the symbol read, the automaton
changes its state, and moves its tape head left or right as specified by
the move. If the automaton moves off at the right end of the input tape
in a final state, the input is accepted. The input can be rejected in
three ways:
6.2. Multihead Finite State Automata
One-way multihead finite automata have been studied in some detail in the literature (Rosenberg, 1996). They have more accepting power than FSA.
6.3. Probabilistic Finite Automata
= (x1, ..., xn) be an n-dimensional row stochastic vector, n ≥ 1. Then,
(i) = xi, 1 ≤ i ≤ n, 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1, Σxi = 1.
Definition 6.4
A finite probabilistic automaton over a finite alphabet V is an ordered triple PA = (S, s0, M), where S = {s1, s2, ..., sn} is a finite set with n ≥ 1 elements (the set of internal states), s0 is an n-dimensional stochastic row vector (the initial distribution) and M is a mapping of V into the set of n-dimensional stochastic matrices. For x ∊ V, the (i, j)th entry in the matrix M(x) is denoted by pj (si, x) and referred to as the transient probability of PA to enter into the state sj, after being in the state si after reading the input x.
6.4. Weighted Finite Automata and Digital Images
In this section we consider a variant of finite
automata, which is called weighted finite automata (WFA). We give some
basic definitions and notations for WFA and the representation of
digital images using WFA.
A digital image of finite resolution m × n consists of m × n
pixels each of which is assigned a value corresponding to its color or
grayness. In this section, we consider only square images of resolution 2n × 2n.
Problems and Solutions
1. | Consider the following 2DFSA. Give two strings in T(M) and two strings not in T(M) tracing the moves of M.
What is T(M)?
| |||||||||||||||
Solution. | Two strings accepted (i) a b a a b (ii) a a b
Two strings rejected
T(M) consists of strings where two b’s do not occur consecutively.
| |||||||||||||||
2. | Consider the PA over the alphabet {a, b} with K = {q1, q2}. Initial distribution is π = (1, 0) and
Find π M(x)
| |||||||||||||||
Solution. |
| |||||||||||||||
3. | Consider the PA over the alphabet {a, b} with K = {q1, ..., q6}. Initial distribution is (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) and S = (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0).
Find π M(x)
| |||||||||||||||
Solution. |
For L(G) = {bna|n ≥ 1} the cut point η is 0.25.
| |||||||||||||||
4. | Construct FSA over the alphabet {0, 1, 2, 3} to represent the following black and white picture.
| |||||||||||||||
Solution. |
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