Chapter 5. Finite State Automata with Output and Minimization
In this chapter, we consider
Myhill-Nerode theorem, minimization of deterministic finite state
automaton (DFSA) and finite state automaton (FSA) with output.
5.1. Myhill-Nerode Theorem
In an earlier chapter, we considered the examples of serial adder, parity machine, acceptor accepting {anbm|n,m
≥ 1}, and many more such examples. Consider the serial adder. After
getting some input, the machine can be in ‘carry’ state or ‘no carry’
state. It does not matter what exactly the earlier input was. It is only
necessary to know whether it has produced a carry or not. Hence, the
FSA need not distinguish between each and every input. It distinguishes
between classes of inputs. In the above case, the whole set of inputs
can be partitioned into two classes – one that produces a carry and
another that does not produce a carry. Similarly, in the case of parity
checker, the machine distinguishes between two classes of input strings:
those containing odd number of 1’s and those containing even number of
1’s. Thus, the FSA distinguishes between classes of input strings. These
classes are also finite. Hence, we say that the FSA has finite amount
of memory.
Theorem 5.1 (Myhill-Nerode)
The following three statements are equivalent.
Proof We shall prove (1) ⇒ (2), (2) ⇒ (3), and (3) ⇒ (1).
(1) ⇒ (2)
Let L be accepted by a FSA M = (K, Σ, δ, q0, F). Define a relation RM on Σ* such that xRMy if δ(q0, x) = δ(q0,y). RM is an equivalence relation, as seen below.
∀x xRMx, since δ(q0, x) = δ(q0, x),
∀x xRMy ⇒ yRMx ∵ δ(q0, x) = δ(q0, y) which means δ(q0, y) = δ(q0, x),
∀x, y xRM y and yRMz ⇒ xRMz.
For if δ(q0, x) = δ(q0, y) and δ(q0, y) = δ(q0, z) then δ(q0, x) = δ(q0, z).
So RM divides Σ* into equivalence classes. The set of strings which take the machine from q0 to a particular state qi are in one equivalence class. The number of equivalence classes is therefore equivalent to the number of states of M, assuming every state is reachable from q0. (If a state is not reachable from q0, it can be removed without affecting the language accepted). It can be easily seen that this equivalence relation RM is right invariant, i.e., if
L is the union of those equivalence classes of RM which correspond to final states of M.
(2) ⇒ (3)
Assume statement (2) of the theorem and let E be the equivalence relation considered. Let RL be defined as in the statement of the theorem. We see that xEy ⇒ xRL y.
If xEy, then xzEyz for each z ∊ Σ*. xz and yz are in the same equivalence class of E. Hence, xz and yz are both in L or both not in L as L is the union of some of the equivalence classes of E. Hence xRL y.
Hence, any equivalence class of E is completely contained in an equivalence class of RL. Therefore, E is a refinement of RL and so the index of RL is less than or equal to the index of E and hence finite.
(3) ⇒ (1)
First, we show RL is right invariant. xRL y if ∀z in Σ*, xz is in L exactly when yz is in L or we can also write this in the following way: xRL y if for all w, z in Σ*, xwz is in L exactly when ywz is in L.
If this holds xwRLyw.
Therefore, RL is right invariant.
Let [x] denote the equivalence class of RL to which x belongs.
Construct a DFSA ML = (K′, Σ, δ′, q0, F′) as follows: K′ contains one state corresponding to each equivalence class of RL. [ε] corresponds to q′0. F′ corresponds to those states [x], x ∊ L. δ′ is defined as follows: δ′ ([x], a) = [xa]. This definition is consistent as RL is right invariant. Suppose x and y belong to the same equivalence class of RL. Then, xa and ya will belong to the same equivalence class of RL. For,
if x ∊ L, [x] is a final state in M′, i.e., [x] ∊ F′. This automaton M′ accepts L.
5.2. Finite Automata with Output
Earlier we considered finite state automata with
output like the serial adder. We now consider them formally. The output
function can be defined in two ways. If it depends on the state alone,
the machine is called a Moore machine. If it depends on both the states
and the input, it is called a Mealy machine.
Definition 5.1
Let M = (K, Σ, Δ, δ, λ, q0) be a Moore FSA. Here:
q0 in K is the initial state. Since, we are interested in the output for an input, we do not specify any final state.
Given an input a1a2 ... an, the machine starts in state q0, outputs b0, reads a1 and goes to q1 and outputs b1, reads a2 and outputs b2 by going to q2... and so on.
So the output is b0b1 ... bn. It should be noted that for an input of length n, we get an output of length n + 1.
Problems and Solutions
1. | Show that {aibj|i, j ≤ 1, i ≠ j} is not regular. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solution. | As in Example 5.3
Therefore, we have a contradiction and the language is not regular.
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2. | Which of the following languages are regular sets? Prove your answer.
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Solution. |
By Myhill-Nerode theorem, since the number of equivalence classes is finite.
(01), (01)2, (01)3,... all cannot belong to different equivalence classes. For some m and n, m ≠ n (01)m and (01)n will belong to the same equivalence class. We write this as (01)m ≈ (01)n. Let m < n. Because of the right invariance,
Since (01)m(10)m0 ∊ L3, we conclude (01)n(10)m0 ∊ L3. But (01)n(10)m0 is not of the form xxRw. Hence, we arrive at a contradiction. Therefore, L3 is not regular.
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3. | Construct a Mealy machine with Σ = Δ = {0, 1}. The output is 1 whenever the last four symbols read are 1111. Overlapping sequences are accepted. Output is 0 otherwise. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solution. | Figure 5.12. Solution to Problem 3 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Use Myhill-Nerode theorem to show the following language is not regular {0i1j |gcd(i, j) = 1} | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Solution. | L = {0i1j | gcd(i, j) = 1} is not regular. Suppose L is regular. Consider the sets of primes {p1, p2, ... .}. This is an infinite set. Consider the set of strings 0P1, 0P2, 0P3,... . By Myhill-Nerode theorem, all of them cannot be in different equivalence classes. For some pi and pj, 0Pi and 0Pj must be in the same equivalence class.
Hence, we have a contradiction. L is not regular.
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5. | Minimize the following DFSA. Indicate clearly which equivalence class corresponds to each state of the new automaton.
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Solution. | Splitting into non-final and final states
Considering b successors of 1,2,5,6
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