Sunday 3 November 2013


Suppose that we desire to swap the contents of two integer variables. Consider the following function:

    void swap(int v1, int v2)
    { int tmp=v2;
    { int i=10;
       int j=20;
       cout << "Before swap():\ti:"<<i<<"\tj:"<<j<<endl;
       cout << "After swap():\ti:"<<i<<"\tj:"<<j<<endl;
when executed the result is not as we desired, but it isBefore swap(): i:10 j:20
After swap(): i:10 j:20
Two alternatives to solve the problem: The first alternative is to use pointers as parameters:
    void  pswap(int *v1, int *v2) // parameters are pointers
    {  int tmp=*v2;
    main ()
       pswap(&i, &j); // send address of i and j as parameter

When executed, we will have:Before swap(): i:10 j:20
After swap(): i:20 j:10
Second alternative is to use reference:
    void rswap(int &v1, int &v2)
    { int tmp=v2;

    main ()
       rswap(i, j);
When compiled and executed, we will haveBefore swap(): i:10 j:20
After swap(): i:20 j:10
However if it is declared as
void crswap(const int &v1, const int &v2)
    { int tmp=v2;
    main ()
       crswap(i, j);

When executed, we will haveBefore swap(): i:10 j:20
After swap(): i:10 j:20
Pointer Types:
A pointer variable holds values that are the addresses of objects in memory. Through a pointer an object can be referenced directly. Typical uses of pointers are the creation of linked lists and the management of objects allocated during execution.
int* ip // pointer decleration
int *ip // the same as above
int *ip1, *ip2 // two pointers
int* ip1, ip2 // a pointer, an integer

int ip, *ip2 // an integer and an integer pointer
long *lp, lp2 // a long integer and a long integer pointer
float fp, *fp2 // a floating point and a floating point pointer

int i=1024
//create an pointer that points to i
int *ip=i // error, type mismatch
int *ip=&i // ok. the operator & is referred as address-of operator
// create another pointer that also points to i
int *ip2=ip // ok. now ip2 also addresses i
// to create a pointer that points ip2
int *ip3=&ip2 // error, type mismatch
int **ip3=&ip2 // ok , it is a pointer to a pointer.Note that char is 1,int 4 and double is //8 bytes long

int i=1024
int *ip=&i; //ip points to i
int k=ip; //error
int k=*ip; // k now contains 1024

int *ip=… // type decleration for the pointer and initialization
*ip= … // the item pointed by ip
…=*ip // the item pointed by ip
=ip // the pointer itself

int k=-5
int *ip=&i;
*ip=k; // i=k
*ip=abs( *ip) // i=abs(i);
ip=ip+1//ip points to an integer that is 4 bytes so increases the value of the address it //contains by the size of the object, so it is incremented by 4
//in some compilers ip+1*size of (int)

int i,j,k;
int *ip=&i;
*ip= *ip+2 // add two to i, that is i=i+2
ip=ip+2; // add two to the address ip contains.In some compilers ip +2*sizeof(int)
Reference Types:All the operations applied to a reference act on the object to which it refersint val=l0
int &refval=val
demonstrate reference as;

int *pi=&refval //initializes pi with the address of val
int *&refpi=pi // refpi is a reference to a pointer
int &*ptr=&refval //USELESS
// ptr is a pointer to a reference,
//however the address of a reference is same as the referenced variable
//therefore instead &*ptr simply use *ptr as below
int *ptr=&refval
A pointer argument can also be declared as a reference when the programmer wish to modify the pointer itself rather than the object addressed by the pointer
    void prswap(int *&v1, int *&v2)  
    //NOTE:  *&v1 should be read from right to left  v1 is a reference to a pointer to 
    // an  object of type int
    { int *tmp=v2;
    { int i=10;
       int j=20;
       int *pi=&i;
       int *pj=&j;

       cout << "Before swap():*pi:"<<*pi<<"*pj:"<<*pj<<endl;
       cout << "After swap():  i:"<<*pi<<"j:"<<*pj<<endl;

When compiled and executed, we will haveBefore swap():*pi:10 j:20
After swap(): *pj:20 j:10
prswap (pi,pj)

before swap *pi: 10 *pj: 20
after swap *pi: 20 *pj:10
    const int* p; //pointer to a constant
    p=…  	OK
    *p=      	not OK
    int *  const  p; // a constant pointer
    p=… 	not OK
    *p=…          OK

   const int* const p;  // co constant pointer to a constant

    p=…	not OK
    *p=…	not OK
    const int &p; // reference to a constant
    p=…	not OK
    int & const p; // constant reference
    // useless, a reference is already a constant, you can not change shortcut

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