Tuesday 9 July 2013

Study Hard Subjects First & Study in a Quiet Place

Study hard subjects first. Each night (or day) when studying or doing your homework, do those subjects first for which you need to be alert and energetic. Leave the easier, or more fun, subjects to later.
Study in a quiet place, with as few distractions as possible. Do not listen to music or TV: It is virtually impossible to do two things at once if one of them is studying. (For the evidence on why it is difficult—if not impossible—to do two things at once (called "multitasking"),

When should you study or do your homework? It's tempting to put off your homework to the last minute. There are at least two good reasons to do your homework as soon as possible and not put it off till the evening, when it's not daylight (although you should certainly take a break between the end of the school day and before starting your homework):
  1. It's better to get it done and over with, and to leave yourself enough time to do it all. If you put it off, you may find that you have an assignment or two that are going to take you a lot longer than you thought they would. If you start early and get your work done before you relax, you'll have enough time for even those hard assignments (even if it means not having enough time to Facebook or play videogames or read for fun). The general principle is: Don't eat your dessert first!
  2. You're more awake during the daytime or after relaxing for, say, an hour or so after classes end, than you will be at the end of the day just before going to sleep.

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