- A stack is a container of objects that are inserted and removed according to the last-in, first-out (LIFO) principle.
- Objects can be inserted at any time, but only the last (i.e., the most recently inserted) object can be removed.
- Inserting an item is known as "pushing" onto the stack. "Popping" off the stack is synonymous with removing an item.
- A PEZâ dispenser is an analogy:

The Stack Abstract Data Type
- A stack is an abstract data type (ADT) that supports two main methods:
- push(o): Inserts object o onto top of stack.
- pop(): Removes the top object from the stack and returns it; if stack is empty an error occurs.
Input: Object; Output: none
Input: none; Output: Object
- The following support methods should also be defined:
- size(): Returns the number of objects in stack.
Input: none; Output: integer
- isEmpty(): Return a boolean indicating if stack is empty.
Input: none; Output: boolean
- top(): Return the top object of the stack, without removing it. If the stack is empty, an error occurs.
Input: none; Output: Object
A Stack Interface in Java
- While the stack data structure is a "built-in" class of the JDK java.util package, it is possible and sometimes preferable to define your own interface such as this one:
- public interface
Stack {
// accessor methodspublic int size(); //# return the number of elements stored in the stack
public boolean isEmpty(); //# test whether the stack is empty
public Object top() //# return the top elemet
throws StackEmptyException; //# thrown if called on an empty stack
// update methods
public void push (Object element); //# insert an element onto the stack
public Object pop() //# return and remove the top element of the stack
throws StackEmptyException; //# thrown if called on an empty stack
Class StackEmptyException
An Array-Based Stack
- Create a stack using an array by specifying a maximum size N for our stack, e.g., N = 1000.
- The stack consists of an N-element array S and an integer variable t, the index of the top element in array S.
- Array indices start at 0, so we initialize t to –1.
- Pseudo-code
Algorithm isEmpty():
Algorithm top():
An Array-Based Stack (contd.)
- Pseudo-Code (contd.)
S[t] <-- o
Algorithm pop():
S[t] <-- null
t <-- t – 1
return e
- Each of the above methods runs in constant time (O(1)).
- The array implementation is simple and efficient.
- There is an upper bound N on the size of the array-based stack. This arbitrary value N may be too small for a given application or it may be too large and a waste of memory.
// Implementation of the Stack interface using an array.
public static final int CAPACITY = 1000; //# default capacity of the stack private int capacity; // maximum capacity of the stack.
private Object S[]; // S holds the elements of the stack
private int top = -1; // the top element of the stack.
public ArrayStack() { //# Initialize the stack with default capacity
public ArrayStack(int cap) { //# Initialize the stack with given capacity
capacity = cap;
S = new Object[capacity];
public int size() { //# Return the current stack size
return (top + 1);
publicboolean isEmpty() { //# Return true iff the stack is empty
return (top < 0);
} publicvoid push(Object obj) { //# Push a new object on the stack
if (size() == capacity)
throw new StackFullException("Stack overflow.");
S[++top] = obj;
public Object top() //# Return the top stack element
throws StackEmptyException {
if (isEmpty())
throw new StackEmptyException("Stack is empty.");
return S[top];
Array-Based Stack in Java (contd.)
public Object pop() //# Pop off the stack element} Class StackFullException
throws StackEmptyException {
Object elem;
if (isEmpty())
throw new StackEmptyException("Stack is Empty.");
elem = S[top];
S[top--] = null; //# Dereference S[top] and decrement top
return elem;
Class java.lang.RuntimeException
Class java.util.Stack
Class java.util.EmptyStackException
Class java.util.Vector
Casting with a Generic Stack
- We can store generic objects in ArrayStack (and other data-structure classes) because every Java class is a subclass of the Object class.
- When retrieving from an ADT, however, it is often necessary to cast the object back to its original type.
- A Java code example:
ArrayStack S = new ArrayStack(a.length);
Integer[] b = new Integer[a.length];
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
for(int i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
b[i] = (Integer)(S.pop());
return b;
- Each process running in a Java program has its own Java method stack.
- Each time a method is called, it is pushed onto the stack. A frame in the stack stores information relevant to running and suspended methods (i.e., local variables, actual parameters, return values, etc.)
- The choice of a stack for this operation allows Java to do several useful things:
- Perform recursive method calls. Conceptually, as regards the Java method stack, there is no difference between a recursive call and a "regular" call.
- Print stack traces so that users can locate an error.
- A queue differs from a stack in that its insertion and removal routines follow the first-in, first out (FIFO) principle.
- Elements may be inserted at any time, but only the element which has been in the queue the longest may be removed.
- Elements are inserted at the rear (enqueued) and removed from the front (dequeued).
Class QueueEmptyException
The Queue Abstract Data Type
- The Queue ADT supports two fundamental methods:
Insert o at the rear of
the queue.
Input: Object; Output: none |
Remove the object from the front
of the queue and return it; an error occurs if the queue is empty.
Input: none; Output: Object |
- These support methods should also be defined:
Return the number of objects in
the queue.
Input: none; Output: integer |
Return a boolean value that indicates
whether the queue is empty.
Input: none; Output: boolean |
Return but do not remove the front
element in the queue; an error occurs if the queue is empty.
Input: none; Output: Object |
- A maximum size N is specified, e.g., N = 1000.
- The queue consists of an N-element array Q and two integer variables:
- f, index of the front element, and
- r, index of the element after the rear one, i.e., the insertion element.
- "normal" array configuration
- As we enqueue elements, we increment r. As we
dequeue elements, we increment f. But what do we do when r
> N – 1?
An Array-Based Queue (3)
Q[f] = element at front of queue
Q[r-1] = element at rear of queue
- Empty queue: f = r
- Full queue: f = (r + 1) mod N
The modulo operator is the remainder of an integer division:
. In Java: use %
- Incrementing f during a dequeue operation:

- Incrementing r during an enqueue operation:

Pseudo-Code for an Array-Based Queue
return (N – f + r) mod N
Algorithm isEmpty(): O(1)
return (f = r)
Algorithm front(): O(1)
if isEmpty() then
throw a QueueEmptyException
Algorithm dequeue(): O(1)
if isEmpty() then
throw a QueueEmptyException
temp <-- Q[f]
Q[f] <-- null
f <-- (f + 1) mod N
Algorithm enqueue(o): O(1)
if size() = N – 1 then
throw aQueueFullException
Q[r] <-- o
r <-- (r + 1) mod N
Class QueueFullException
Implementing a Queue with a Singly Linked List
- The nodes are connected in a chain by links.

- Note the absence of a sentinel node. Not necessary if the allowable operations are restricted.
- The head of the list is the front of the queue and the tail of the list is the rear of the queue.
- Why not the opposite?

- Advance head reference

- Create a new node.

- Chain it and move the tail reference.

Double-Ended Queues
- A double-ended queue, or deque, supports insertion and deletion from both the front and back.
- The Deque ADT
Insert e at the front of the deque. Input: Object; Output: none | |
Insert e at the end of the deque. Input: Object; Output: none | |
Removes and returns the first element. Input: none; Output: Object | |
Removes and returns the last element. Input: none; Output: Object |
- Additionally supported methods include:
- first()
- last()
- size()
- isEmpty()
Class DequeEmptyException
- Stacks with Deques (e.g., Class DequeStack):
size() | size() |
isEmpty() | isEmpty() |
top() | last() |
push(e) | insertLast(e) |
pop() | removeLast() |
- Queues with Deques (e.g., Class DequeQueue)
size() | size() |
isEmpty() | isEmpty() |
front() | first() |
enqueue(e) | insertLast(e) |
dequeue() | removeFirst() |
- Using a deque to implement a stack or queue is an example of the adapter pattern. Adapter patterns implement a class by using methods of another class.
- In general, adapter classes specialize general classes.
- Two such applications:
- Specialize a more general ADT class.
- Specialize the types of objects used by a general class.
- Recall that deletions at the tail of a singly linked list cannot be done in constant time.
- To implement a deque, we use a doubly linked list with special header and trailer sentinel nodes.

- A node of a doubly linked list has a next and a prev link. It supports the following methods:
- setElement(Object e)
- getElement()
- setNext(Object newNext)
- setPrev(Object newPrev)
- getNext()
- getPrev()
- When the Deque ADT is implemented via a doubly linked list, all methods have constant (i.e., O(1)) time.
Class MyDeque
- When implementing doubly linked lists, we add two special nodes to the ends of the lists: the header and trailer nodes.
- The header goes before the first list element. It has a valid next reference but a null prev reference.
- The trailer node goes after the last element. It has a valid prev reference but a null next reference.
- The header and trailer nodes are sentinel or "dummy" nodes because they do not store elements.

Implementing Deques with Doubly Linked Lists (cont.)
- Here’s a visualization of the removeLast method:

Implementing Deques with Doubly Linked Lists (cont.)
- Let’s look at the removeLast() method of class MyDeque.
DLNode header, trailer; // sentinels
int size; // number of elements
:::::::::: public Object removeFirst() throws DequeEmptyException {
if (isEmpty())
throw new DequeEmptyException(
"Illegal removal request.");
DLNode first = header.getNext();
Object o = first.getElement();
DLNode second = first.getNext();
return o;
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