Sunday 1 September 2013


1.                  A= { x : x ≠ x }represents
a) { 0 }                  b) { }               c) { 1}                         d) {x}

2          Let  O(A)= m ,O(B)=n.Then number of relations from A to B is:          
             a) mn                    b) m+n             c) 2mn                                    d) N.O.T

3.         If  A={ 1,2,3,4,5 } ,then number of proper subsets of  A is:
             a) 120                   b) 30                c) 31                              d) 32

4.         If  A= { x: x is multiple of 3 } and B={ x: x is a multiple of 5} ,then A-B is
             a)  A                     b) B                 c) ¢                              d) A∩Bc

5.         If Na ={ an : n ÎN } ,then N6∩N8 =
          a) N6                     b) N8                c) N24                           d) N44

6.         If  A={ x: f(x)=0} and B={ x: g(x)=0 } ,then A∩B will be                                                             a) [ f(x)]2 +[g(x)]2 =0   b) f(x) /g(x)     c) g(x)/f(x)       d) N.O.T

7.         If  X={ 8n – 7n -1 : nÎN} and Y={ 49 (n-1) :  n Î N } ,then XÈY is
          a)  X                      b) Y                 c) N                             d) N.O.T

8.         If the sets A and B are defined as A={ (x,y): y=1/x ,0 ¹xÎR} ,
            B={ (x,y): y = -x ,xÎ R} ,then
            a) A∩B=A                        b) A∩B=B      c) A∩B= ¢                  d) N.O.T

9.           If A={ ¢, {¢}} ,then the power set of A is:
              a) A                      b) { ¢, {¢} ,A}                                 c) { ¢ , {¢ },{{¢}},A}    d) N.O.T

10.         Let R be a relation on a set A such that R=R-1 ,then R is
              a) reflexive           b) symmetric               c) transitive                 d) N.O.T

11.       A survey shows that 63% of the Americans like cheese whereas 76% like                                apples .If x% of the Americans like both cheese and apples ,then
              a) x=39                b) x=63                        c) 39 ≤ x ≤ 63              d) N.O.T

12.         Let R be a relation on set N of natural numbers defined by nRm Û n is a factor of m (i.e . n çm ). Then R is:
              a) reflexive and symmetric          b) transitive and symmetric
              c) equivalence                              d) reflexive ,transitive but not symmetric

13.         The void relation on set A is:
              a) reflexive                                   b) symmetric and transitive    
              c) reflexive and symmetric          d) neither symmetric nor transitive

14.         Let  L denote the set of all straight lines in a plane .Let a relation R be defined by  aRb Û a ^b, a,bΠ    L ,then R is:
              a) reflexive           b) symmetric               c) transitive                 d) N.O.T

15.         For real numbers x and y ,we  write  xRy Ûx-y +Ö2 is an irrational number.Then relation R is:
              a) reflexive           b) symmetric               c) transitive                 d) N.O.T

16.         Relation R on set Z of all integers defined by (x,y)ÎR Û x-y is divisible by n
              (n÷x-y, n is factor of x-y) ,then relation R is :
              a) symmetric        b) transitive                 c) reflexive                  d) equivalence

17.         In a set A={1,2,3,4,5 } ,a relation R is defined by R={ (x,y) ÷ x,y ÎA and x<y } .then R is:
              a) reflexive           b) symmetric               c) transitive                 d) N.O.T

  1.         Let the A= { 1,2,3,4 } and let R={ (2,2),(3,3),(4,4),(1,2) } be a relation on
              A .Then R is:
              a) reflexive           b) symmetric               c) transitive                  d) N.O.T

19.         If R is an equivalence relation on a set A, then R-1 is:
              a) reflexive only                                       b) symmetric but not transitive
              c) equivalence                                         d) N.O.T

20.         If R is the relation from a set A to set B and S is a relation from B to a set C, then the relation SoR
              a) is from A to C                                     b) is from C to A
              c) does not exist                                      d) N.O.T

21.  The domain of the function  log(x-[x]) is:
a) I                      b) R-I                          c)R                              d) N.O.T
22.       The domain of the function f(x)=  is
             a) R-{2}               b) R-1               c) R+                d) N.O.T

23.       If  f and g be two functions with domain D1 and D2 respectively .Then which of the following statements is incorrect:
            a) domain of (f ± g) =D1ÇD2                      b) domain of (f g) =D1ÇD2
            c) domain of (f / g) =D1ÇD2                            d)  N.O.T

24.       The domain of the function f(x) is [0,1],then domain of the f(2x+3) is:
            a) [0,1]                   b) [-3/2 ,-1]                  c) [-3/2 ,1]       d) N.O.T

25.       The range of  x /│x│ is:
            a) (-1,1)                 b) [-1,1]                       c) {1,-1}          d) N.O.T

26.       The range of the function is 2sin2x + 3cos2 x is:
            a) (2,3)                   b) [2,3]                                    c) [-1,1]           d) N.O.T

27.       The range of the function f(x)= P(7-x,x-3) is:
            a) { 1,2,3}             b) { 1,2,3,4,5,6}          c) { 1,2,3,4}    d) N.O.T

28        .The domain of the function   log x +log çx ç+log[x] is:
            a) x>0                    b) [1,¥)                        c) (-¥,¥)          d) N.O.T

29.       The domain of the real function f(x)=Ö log16 x2 is:
            a) x>0                    b) çxç >1                      c) çxç ³4          d) çxç £4

30.       The domain of the function   + is:
            a) [4,5]                   b) (4,5)                                    c) [4,5)             d) N.O.T

31.       The function f(x)=sin4 x +cos4 x  is symmetrical about:
            a) x-axis                 b) y-axis                      c) not symmetric  d) N.O.T

32.       The function f(x) =2x-2[x] is periodic with periodicity

            a) 1                        b) 1/2                           c) -1                 d) N.O.T
33.       The period of the function  f(x)=2 cos[(x-p)/3] is:
            a) 2p/3                   b) 4p/3                         c) 2p                d) 4p  

34.       The function log(2+cos3x) is periodic with periodicity
             a) x=p/3                b) x=2p/3                    c) 2p                d) N.O.T

35.       Function f(x)=x2 -| x |  is:
            a) an odd function                                                b) an even function   
            c) neither odd nor even                             d) N.O.T

            Let A={a,b,d} ,B={c,d,f,m}  ,C={a,l,m,o},then  (AÈB)ÇB=
              a) {a,l,m}             b) {a,l,o}         c) {a,m}                      d) N.O.T

2.           If n(A)=6,n(B)=3,then max(AÈB)=
              a)9                        b) 6                  c) 3                              d) N.O.T

3.           If n(A)=6,n(B)=3,then min(AÈB)=
              a)9                        b) 6                  c) 3                              d) N.O.T

4.           A relation R is defined from {2,3,4,5} to {3,6,7,10}by : xRyÛx is relatively prime to y.Then domain of R is:
              a) {2,3,5}             b) {3,5}           c) {2,3,4}                    d) {2,3,4,5}
5.           Let A={a,b,c,d}  ,B={b,c,d,e}.then  O[(A×B)Ç(B×A)]=
              a) 3                       b) 6                  c) 9                              d) N.O.T

6.         If  R be a relation < from  A={1,2,3,4} to B={1,3, 5} such that (a,b)ÎRÛa<b,then RoR-1
              a) {(1,3),(1,5),(2,3),(2,5),(3,5),(4,5)}
              b) { (3,1),(5,1),(3,2),(5,2),(5,3),(5,4)}
              c)  { (3,3),(3,5),(5,3),(5,5)}
              d) { (3,3),(3,4),(4,5)}

7.           Let  L denote the set of all straight lines in a plane .Let a relation R be defined by  aRb Û a  êêb, a,bΠ    L ,then R is:
            a) reflexive            b) symmetric               c) transitive                 d) N.O.T

8.         Let  R be a relation on N defined by x+2y=8.The domain of R is:
            a) { 2,4,8} c) { 2,4,6,8}                c) { 2,4,6}                               d) {1,2,3,4}

9.         Let R ={ (a,a),(b,b),(c,c),(a,b)} be a relation on a set A={a,b,c},then R is:
            a) identity              b) reflexive                  c) symmetric                d) anti-symmetric

     10.       Let X be a family of sets and R be a relation on X defined by ‘A is disjoint from B’.Then R is:
            a) reflexive            b) symmetric               c) anti-symmetric        d) transitive

11.       The minimum number of elements that must be added to the relation R={ (1,2),(2,3)}on get N  so that it is an equivalence relation is:
            a) 4                        b) 7                              c) 6                              d) 5

12.       If A,B,C are three sets, then  AÇ(BÈC) is equal to:
            a) (AÈB)Ç(AÈC)                         b) (AÇB)È(AÇC)      c) AÇ(BÈC)               d) N.O.T

13.       If A and B are any two sets,then AÇ(AÈB)=
            a) A                                   b) B                                         c) Ac                            d) Bc

14.       If AÈ(AÇB) is equal to:
            a) A                                   b) B                                         c) Ac                            d) Bc

15.       Let A and B be two finite sets having m and n elements respectively. Then the total  number of mappings from A to B is:
            a) mn                                 b) 2mn                                       c) mn                            d) nm

16.      If A and B are sets, then A Ç(B-A) is:
            a) f                                    b) A                                         c) B                             d) N.O.T

17.       If f:A®B is a bijection ,then
            a) n(A)>n(B)                     b) n(A)<n(B)                           c) n(A)=n(B)               d) N.O.T

18.       Which of the following statement is not correct:
            a) f is even ,g is even function implies  fog is even function.
            b) f is odd ,g is even function implies  fog is even function.
            c) f is odd ,g is odd function implies  fog is odd function.
            d) N.O.T

      19.       f(x) is a real value decreasing  function then   [f(x) – f(-x)] is always is :
            a) even function                b) odd function           c) depends upon f(x)  
            d) N.O.T

      20.       If f(x) =x-1/x ,then f(x2 )=
      a) (x+1/x) f(x)       b) (x-1/x)f(x)               c) x f(x)           d) N.O.T

      21.       The function f(x)=log(x+Öx2+1) is:
      a) an even function           b) an odd function      c) periodic function    
      d) N.O.T

      22.       If  f(x) is an even function ,then curve y=f(x) is symmetric about:
      a) x-axis                 b) y-axis          c) both the axes           d) N.O.T

      23.       The domain of the definition of the function f(x)= P(7-x,x-3) is:
      a) [3,7]                   b) {3,4,5,6,7}  c) {3,4,5}                    d) N.O.T                    

      24.       f(x)=(x-1)(x-2)(x-3) is:
      a) one-one             b) not one-one             c) bijection      d) N.O.T

      25.       f(x)= (sin4x +cos4x )/(x+x2 tanx) is:
      a) even                   b) odd             c) neither odd nor even  d) N.O.T

      26.       The period of   is
      a) p                        b) 2p                c) p/2                           d) N.O.T

      27        .The function  f(x)=(1/2)sinx  is:
      a) periodic function with period p                        b) an odd function
      c) expressible as sum of an even function and an odd function
            d) N.O.T

28.              Set A has 3 elements and set B has 4 elements.The number of injections that can be defined from A to B is:
a) 144                    b) 12                c) 24                d) N.O.T

29.              If a function f:[2,¥)®B defined by f(x)=x2-4x+5 is a bijection ,then B=
a) R                       b) [1,¥)            c) [4,¥)            d) [5,¥)

30.              Given f(x)=log(1+x/1-x) and  g(x)=3x+x3/1+3x2,then  fog(x) equals:
a) –f(x)                  b) 3f(x)            c) [f(x)]3          d) N.O.T

      31.       If  f(x)=ax+b and g(x)=cx+d ,then  f(g(x))=g(f(x)) is equivalent to:
                  a) f(a)=g(c)            b) f(b)=g(b)     c) f(d)=g(b)     d) f(c)=g(a)

      32.       Let f:R®R be a function defined by f(x)=cos(5x+2),then f is:
                  a) injective             b) surjective     c) bijective       d) N.O.T

      33.       Which of the following functions from Z to itself are bijections ?
                  a) f(x)=x3               b) f(x)=x+2     c) f(x)=2x+1    d) f(x)=x2+x

      34.       If f(x)=cos(logex),then  f(x)f(y)-1/2[f(x/y)+f(xy)] equal to:
                  a) 0                        b) ½ f(x)f(y)    c) f(x+y)          d) N.O.T

      35.       If f:R®R,defined by f(x)=x2+1,then the value of  f-1(17) and f-1(-3) respectively are:
                  a) f,{4,-4}             b) {3,-3},f       c) {4,-4},f       d) {4,-4},{2,-2}

            FILL IN THE BLANKS
1.      The number of one-one function from set A={1,2,3} to B={3,4} are ………

2.      The number of bijective functions from a set A to itself where A contains 106 elements                 is…………………

3.      The range of the function f(x)=cos[x] ,for  -p/2 <x<p/2 is:…{cos1,-cos1,1}……………

4.      If f(x)=cos[p2]x+ cos[-p2]x ,find f(p)=…0………..

5.         If f(x)=êx-2 êand g(x)=f[f(x)],then for x>2,g’(x)=………………
6.         Let A and B be two finite sets having m and n elements respectively .Then the total number               of mappings from A to B is:……….

7          The domain of the function log4log5log3(18x-x2-77) …………….

8.         The domain of the function log2log1/2{x2+4x+4}………….

9.                  If f(x) is a function which is both odd and even then f(3)-f(2) is equal to:……….

      10.         f(x)=sin{log(x+Öx2+1)}  is an odd/even function:…………..

11.              The period of the function sin4x+cos4x= is………………..

12.  The period of the function  sin2px/3 +cospx/2 ……………….

13.  Let f(x)=x and g(x)=êx êfor all xÎR.Then the function f(x) satifying the equation
            [f(x)-f(x)]2 +[f(x)-g(x)]2 =0,is:…………..

14.         A polynomial function  f(x) satisfies the condition  f(x)f(1/x)=f(x)+f(1/x).If f(5)=126,            then f(10)=……………

15.          If f(x+2y,x-2y)=xy,then f(x,y) equals:………..
16.       The range of the function f(x)=1/(2-cos3x) is:

      17.       If f(x)=(x-1/x+1) ,then f(2x) in terms of f(x) is:…………….

      18.       The domain of the function f(x)=sin-1(log3(x/3)) is…………..

      19.       The inverse of the function f(x)=(10x-10-x)/(10x+10-x) is:……………
20.       The value of the parameter a,for which the function f(x)=1+ax,a#o is the inverse of itself ,      is……………….  


1.      The period of the function  f(x)=sin43x+cos43x is: p /6         (T/F)

2.      If f(x) is an odd function, then the curve y=f(x) is symmetric  about x-axis.   (T/F)

3.      Period of  cos(cosx)+cos(sinx) is p.                                   (T/F)

4.      Period of the function  1/2 { êsin x ê/cosx  + sinx/ êcosx ê}is p.       (T/F)

5.      Given f(x)=log(x-2)+log(x-3) and g(x)=log(x-2)(x-3) are identical.                           (T/F)

6.      If f(x)=sin2x + sin2(x+p/3)+cosx cos(x+p/3) and g(5/4)=1,then (gof)(x) =1              (T/F)

7.      If f(x) is an odd periodic function with period 2, then f(4)=0                 (T/F)

8.   Period of sin(x-[x]) is 1.                                                                    (T/F)

9.      Every relation is a function.                                                               (T/F)

10. Every function is the relation.                                                             (T/F)

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